Five government agencies agreed on making services easier and more comprehensive for investors

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Five government agencies agreed on making services easier and more comprehensive for investors

Five Government agencies, National Development Agency, General Authority for State Registration, Immigration Agency, Taxation Agency, Social Insurance General Office, held a joint meeting to intensify the activities of the “Invest in Mongolia” One-Stop Service Center for Foreign Investors under the National Development Agency.
The “Invest in Mongolia” One-Stop Service Center has provided 54,000 services of 60 types since its establishment in 2019. Before establishing the One-Stop Service Center investors had to spend a total of 15 days and travel 50km to receive services of five Government agencies, but now all services of all five agencies are concentrated at one point and it takes only 30 minutes to receive services.
During the meeting five Government agencies have decided to set up a working group to work together on how to intensify the center's activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to integrate high-quality investor information into a single electronic platform and diversify services. 
Centralization and digitalization of public services is a real condition for supporting investors, improving the quality of investments, expanding the tax base and the social insurance base, as well as raising taxes and fees.